lunedì 8 febbraio 2021

How to land a PC6 Pilatus Porter (with Checklist and Flight Manual)


A short footage about a PC6 Porter landing at AvioClub Siracusa (asphalt runway 400 m) with few and simplified steps taken from Landing Checklist from Aircraft Flight Manual edited by Pilatus.

Descending was performed with no beta to save long terms maintenance costs. The aircraft descends right below 150 KIAS in order to not overcome the VNE and it's able to descend more than 5000 feet pour minute anyway. Leaving flight level 140 with beta the Flight Operator just saves one minute more or less. 

During the flare, to keep the nose straight, you don't have to follow the sideline of the nose, but the video shows up a line that pilot has to imagine and extend it up to the end of runway.

This is not an instructional video, but every aircraft has its own procedure and checklist, as well the Flight Operator. Right below the AFM from ZIMEX IP used for my B2H4 differential training.

The landing checklist from the Aircraft Flight Manual mentioned above.

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